Cherry Valley Cub Resident Camp

It’s the New Year and we’re already deep in preparations for Cub Scout resident Camp at Cherry Valley.  For those of you not familiar with our Cub Camp, it has been held every year since 1993 in mid-August, after the Summer Resident Camp closes down. We usually run two four-day, three-night sessions, going Sunday-Wednesday, and Thursday-Sunday.
Each year has a different theme. This year’s theme is Knights of the Campfire, a Medieval theme. Other themes in our rotation include Treasure Island (Pirates) and Adventure Island (Native American). We’ve also done Castaway Cove (Gilligan’s Island), Tom Sawyer Island, and Island Explorers (Lewis and Clark). The staff always has a lot of fun with the themes, especially Treasure Island, with costuming playing a big part.
We have a great staff comprised of Alumni, former Cub Camp campers and leaders, and OA members. They are extremely dedicated and share a great love of the camp
The Cub Scout program is undergoing a major revamping, including major changes on the Achievements they earn, which will go into effect in September. Although we will be doing camp a couple weeks before then, we will be incorporating the new program into our camp. Some of the activities we have planned are BB’s, Archery, Handicraft (Catapults), Outdoor Cooking, Camping, Knight Lore, Nature, Fishing, and War Canoes.
Although we’re pretty much filled up with staff for this year. If you are interested in being on staff in 2016, please contact me.
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