Calling all Old Goats!

We have confirmed that weekend for June 14-16. If you are looking for an opportunity to come visit camp/Catalina, share tall tales, help and play if you want – then try to block your time.

Based upon your feedback we will work to see how formal or un-formal the weekend is. I would personally prefer a little less structure so people can enjoy as time allows. (Feel free to add your comments below.)

The key of coordination will be knowing who’s coming to help ensure there is food. Karen Hartley has volunteered to help coordinate food with the Summer kitchen staff. A set price of approximately $100 will cover food per person including use of all camp activities. Boat fees are also on our own which are currenttly $72 round trip.

Arrival and departure times should also be somewhat similar and hopefully people can book on the same Express. That will minimize the getting in and out if camp….but we will work on suggestions for that.

If anyone else is interested in helping me reach out to people that would be great. I get tied up with work on occasion and don’t have as much free time as I would like to make sure folks know about this

Please let me know. Hope to see you in June!

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