I hope everyone had some time as 2014 wound down to relax and recall the great memories of your year. 2014 was very special for my wife and I spending lots of time with our new daughter, and of course, getting her hooked on Catalina early! We had the opportunity to bring her to the island for several different events including our terrific Alumni Weekend in September.
Let’s talk about the weekend for those who missed it, and those who have those short term memory deals. WHAT A WEEKEND! The thrill of getting the group went very well with the combined celebration and bittersweet event of the Hartley’s retirement from CCV. In recent years we have discussed and decided that our Alumni is not just those of our Summer Resident Camp, but also CIMI, Cub Scouts and our terrific weekend programs. This was so evident for our event this past year. By evening as we prepared to lightly roast Bill and Karen the numbers in the dining hall swelled to bursting.
Friends once forgotten re-united and shared their love and stories of Camp and the Hartley’s. With gourmet cuisine we were able to highlight some of the great service from Bill and Karen. Not only years of caring for camp, but the Staff’s, island friends, Cherry Cove Yacht Club, the West End Search and Rescue Team and you. To have such dedication for so many years has helped Cherry stay on track, ever improve and continue to grow. Don’t worry, we won’t lose them – after all they are still ALUMNI!
So fortunately for all of us and Camp is that Mark Serratt has now been with Bill for so long and cares just as much for Camp. Mark is taking the reins and with Butch Nielson at his side will keep Camp moving into its next great adventures. I know both Mark and Butch love it when we get involved, so please reach out and participate when you can, not only on our weekends. Just call the camp office and see what you might be able to help with.
We are planning the Old Goats Weekend this year for September 11-13, 2015. Please mark your calendars and plan on coming out. We are reviving old stories and coming up with new ways we can help camp through our Association.
Please save the dates and stay tuned for more updates on some planning meetings and our Alumni weekend!